Driving Excellence in Recruitment

We are dedicated to driving excellence in the recruitment industry by providing exceptional training, coaching, and professional development opportunities. Our tailored courses are designed to equip recruiters with the skills and knowledge needed to excel at any stage in their careers.

The National College of Recruitment (NCOR) provides professional development, training, and coaching for a wide range of recruitment industry professionals, whether they are just embarking on their career; or are already established and are looking to further hone their skills; or are focusing on leadership skills and growth.

NCOR offers 5 recruitment industry certificates

Business Acumen in Recruitment

These courses provide recruiters with the core business understanding and skills they need to excel in recruitment. One of the most requested skills training topics from recruiters is business acumen to give them credibility with clients and candidates. This certificate improves learners’ business knowledge and ability to deal with business situations so they can achieve greater success in the recruitment industry.

The courses in this certificate are:

  • Comply with workplace legislation in recruitment
  • Provide best-practice recruitment services
  • Provide advice on workforce trends in recruitment
  • Use communication skills in recruitment
  • Apply time management skills in recruitment
Recruitment Fundamentals

These courses establish a practical understanding of recruitment consulting principles and applications, as well as general recruitment process theory. Learners are trained in the role of a recruitment consultant who uses tailored skills to source candidates and match them to positions.

The courses in this certificate are:

  • Prepare recruitment job briefs
  • Develop a candidate sourcing strategy
  • Conduct recruitment interviews
  • Progress the recruitment process
  • Manage the offer and placement
Recruitment Sales Foundations

These courses provide a progressive pathway through the sales process to ensure recruiters have a solid foundation for their sales skills. Developing strong sales skills can be one of the most challenging aspects of a recruiter’s role. By working through these core competencies in the sales process, learners develop practical abilities and positive mindsets that will enable them to develop more business in the recruitment industry.

The courses in this certificate are:

  • Use essential sales skills in recruitment
  • Create sales opportunities
  • Use inquiring strategies to develop new business
  • Make effective sales calls
  • Negotiate fees and close the sale
Advanced Sales in Recruitment

These courses provide practical skills and knowledge in developing new business sales plans, securing exclusive business, and understanding approaches to sales. This certificate takes recruiters to the next level of sales, including establishing a market presence and brand.

The courses in this certificate are:

  • Develop a sales plan
  • Create a professional brand and identify expertise
  • Adapt your selling style in recruitment
  • Conduct recruitment sales meetings
  • Secure exclusive business in recruitment
Effective Leadership Skills

These courses support recruitment professionals in leadership and management positions to review, enhance, and develop the skills required in a contemporary recruitment team and an evolving employment environment. These courses enable owners, leaders, and managers to continually drive and improve the performance of their staff and the business.

The courses in this certificate are:

  • Apply effective leadership qualities
  • Achieve team targets and goals
  • Recruit and build your team
  • Use communication skills in leadership
  • Apply time management strategies in leadership

How We Deliver.

The National College of Recruitment (NCOR) highly experienced team explain recruitment concepts and processes to learners, breaking down content into manageable parts to support best practices and optimal results.

NCOR courses:

  • are available through an online learning portal that is accessible 24/7, allowing learners to work through courses at their own pace
  • can be completed in any order
  • are delivered with blended learning, including self-paced online resources, group training workshops, scenario-based discussions, and exercises. Blending training methods is the best way to ensure learners get the most out of their learning experience.

How We Assess.

The National College of Recruitment (NCOR) course assessments verify learners’ competence in recruitment industry best-practice skills and knowledge. Assessments are not compulsory in your recruitment training plan, but for NCOR certificate and course awards, completion of assigned assessments is required.

The assessments confirm that all NCOR graduates are consistent in their confidence and application of the elements of recruitment practices and processes.

Assessments include:

  • eBook reading
  • workshop attendance
  • contribution to case study and scenario discussion in workshops
  • question and answer
  • observation
  • course reflection